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GB3NE Newbury's 2M Repeater

At 10am on 20th March 1999 GB3NE went on air. A few local amateurs were on site to watch the 'grand switch-on' they included, Graeme G8JIP (SK), Mark G7POB, Merton G4JAL (SK), Richard G3ZGC, Ken G0ORH along with the local newspaper photographer.

The first QSO took place shortly after 10am after Graeme's CQ call brought back Brian G6RBP who was lurking in the ether (as usual).

nwn.jpg (150379 bytes)


Pictures taken on 'Switch-On Day'

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Please note that GB3NE is set for a maximum of 2.5KHz deviation. Most radios are set between 4 - 5KHz. If you are using a radio with a higher deviation setting than 2.5KHz then the repeater will  'clip' your transmission.


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