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NADARS hosts a 10 GHz beacon on the Greenham Control Tower. The beacon details are:

· TX power 1 Watt

· Antenna gain 10dBi, omni-directional

· Frequency 10.368935 GHz

· FSK CW ident GB3GCT IO91IJ

· PI4 ident at the start of every minute

The source of the beacon is based on an ADF4159 synthesiser with VCO, controlled by an Arduino Pro-Mini. A GPS frequency reference is provided by a Leo Bodnar GPSDO and a separate NEO 7 GPS receiver provides the timing for the PI4 sequence. The filtered source drives a modified Plessey 11GHz amplifier. All the RF hardware is in a head-unit mounted near the antenna and the antenna is housed within a protective radome. The head-unit is provided with DC from a power supply with shut-down control, housed in the ground-floor radio room of the tower.

The beacon was built by Dave G1EHF, with financial assistance from the UK Microwave Group ( and Dave also holds the beacon NoV.

The pictures show the beacon head-unit internals, antenna with radome and antenna mounting location on the tower.

The beacon provides a useful indicator to 10 GHz operators of tropospheric ducting and rain scatter. Reception reports have been received from as far as IO83, IO93, JO02 and best DX JO21 at 396 km.

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