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The current membership rates (per annum) are:

Full (one full member): £15.00*

Associate: £8.00*

Free (Associate) - applicable to NADARS Foundation Course participants only: Associate membership will either be free for the remainder of the membership year that the course took place, or free for that membership year plus the following membership year if the Foundation course was within 6 months of the membership renewal date (i.e. up to a maximum of 18 months free membership)

Definitions of Full and Associate membership are given in the Constitution

*New members joining after 1st December, up until the annual renewal date of 1st June, will pay 50% of the annual subscription

The membership year runs from 1st June to 31st May. There is no reduction for part-year membership other than stated above.

Once you have completed this form, if there are any fees due, you will be directed to the payments page.

When you first access any sensitive pages on the NADARS website, you will also be asked to confirm that you accept the NADARS GDPR (Data Protection) policy. You can download the policy here.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk*

*Callsign:Only change this if you already have a callsign
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Post Code:
*Home Tel: a valid Mobile OR home phone number is required
*Mobile Tel: a valid Mobile OR home phone number is required
Work Tel:
*Choose Membership Type:
*Year First Licensed:
 I agree to my details being included in the NADARS member list (The list is only visible to NADARS members via the password protected secure web page)
 I DO NOT wish my details to be included in the NADARS member lists (but my details will be visible to Committee members)

Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the NADARS User Agreement.