Find out what you correct postcode is. If you don't know your
postcode use the postcode finder at
Enter your postcode in the post code box at
At the bottom of the map it will give you your Longitude/Latitude.
Go to the
Amsat UK
website and access their Long/Lat to IARU Locator Converter which will calculate
your IARU locator and display it.
WAB Square
To work out your Worked All Britain Square look at the LR
reference number given on
Click on convert coordinates and a table will be displayed.
In the Table on the left hand column look for the characters LR
next to them you will see a Alpha numeric sequence similar to this one - SU507670
The Worked All Britain reference is formed by the two Letters
and the first and fourth numbers.
In this case the WAB Square will be SU56.
Locator Calculator
here to use the NGR to IARU Locator written by Neill Taylor G4HLX