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Norm Vincent Memorial Trophy


Norman G3NVO received his licence in 1959, whilst in the 6th form at school. His interest in radio and electronics became his profession and although he became a highly qualified and professional electronics engineer he never lost his interest in the Amateur Radio. When he was living in the USA he obtained a Licence to operate over there.  

Norman was a very capable CW operator but was just as happy operating phone and in times gone by built his own equipment. He was especially interested in difficult aspects of the hobby, particularly VHF, where he chased DX on the 2m and 70cm bands and managed to make contacts time and again into North Africa and east out across Europe. He also enjoyed working DX on the HF bands and really enjoyed playing around with antennas. 

In the late 1980s when we were given access to SIX metres, this became Norm's passion. He managed to make contact with over 197 countries worldwide, as far away as the Antarctic and Australia and, at the time of his death, was listed in 25th place in the world and 4th in the UK. Norm was one of NADARS' mainstays, having been, at times, a committee member, secretary and Chairman for long periods. He was a participant in radio contests both as an individual and as part of a team in club events. He was one of the stalwarts during the annual outings to the Isle of Wight for the IOTA Contest. He was also an instructor on NADARS Foundation and Intermediate Licence courses. He was always willing to demonstrate his station to newcomers and assist fellow amateurs with problems. 

This trophy has been donated to the club in memory of G3NVO, a nice guy, an active and leading member of the Ham community and although his key is silent, this trophy, to be awarded to club members on a rotating one year basis to whoever the Club Committee decides at the time to be worthy of it, will keep his memory alive......

Andy, G3SVD


Past Winners:
2006 - Richard, G3ZGC - for setting up training courses
2007 - Bernie, M0NKS - for his outstanding work on the club tower and caravan
2008 - Ray, G4FON - for his efforts with training courses and IOTA
2009 - Phill, G6EES - for oustanding service relating to the Rally
2010 - Rob, G4LMW - for rebuilding the website
2011 - Steve, M0SEL - for running the club library
2012 - Colin, M0DDT - for his outstanding work for the club
2013 - Phill, G6EES - for outstanding service to the club
2014 - Rob, G4LMW - for outstanding service to the club
2015 - Michael, G0POT - for running Saturday sessions and youth development
2016 - Bill, M0TDW - for his work with the Saturday training sessions
2017 - Ian, G3RVM - the leading NADARS station in the club championships for the last five years
2018 - Ray, G3TBL - for his work on the training courses
2019 - Jeremy, G4DOQ - for getting GB4GCT up and running and his excellent chairmanship
2020 - not awarded (due to COVID break in activities)
2021 - Lloyd, M5LDF - for work on the training courses and the International Space Station Mary Hare School project
2022 - George, 2E0FEC - for his work on the tower and other club equipment
2023 - John "JC", 2E0JJC - for all the work he does in the club, including leading the coffee mornings
2024 - G4RUW - for running the club nets (especially during the difficult lock-downs)

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